Council Services

Amenities and Services 
 Fund Summer Playschemes
Provision and maintenance of 160 footway lighting columns (see map below)
Maintenance and management of Brookes Avenue Playing Fields, Broughton. The playing fields comprise the 'swings 'n' things' play area, a skate park and two football pitches
Maintenance and management of The Country Park, Broughton Hall Road, Broughton
Provision of Allotment site on Mold Road, Broughton
Provision of roadside seats
Provision of litter bins (where not provided by the County Council)
Provision of village name signs at the gateway to the villages
Provision of CCTV surveillance at Broughton Hall Road shops
Provision of financial support and encouragement to local community groups and organisations
Provision of festive lighting
Litter collection


Communication and Consultation 
 Production of Council newsletters
Provision of notice boards
Provision and regular maintenance of the Community Council's website
Consultation with Flintshire County Council and other statutory bodies
Response to consultation documents received from Government departments and statutory bodies
Response to planning application consultations

broughton country park


Joint Services

Staff jointly administer Broughton & Bretton and Hawarden Community Councils and provide a complete maintenance service to both Councils and Shotton Town Council.

This arrangement was recognised as a model approach of Councils pooling resources to employ direct labour to undertake functions carried out by the Principal Council in other parts of the County - Research Study into the Role, Functions and Future Potential of Community and Town Councils in Wales - University of Wales, Aberystwyth 2003.


Any questions, information or further details relating to the work or services of the Community Council should be directed to the Clerk & Financial Officer, Broughton and Bretton Community Council, Council Offices, 113 The Highway, Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3DN. Tel: 01244 533692.

Provision of Street Lighting

Street Lighting Report Form

Please complete the form below and then click submit to advise of any defective street and footway lights.

If you include your email details we will advise you of the repair date.

Thank you for your assistance.

Street light details

Contact Details

By submitting this form I agree for the information to be passed to an appropriate person to deal with my enquiry